
The Counselor; Rhizomes- horizontal roots

Where is the next level? After knowing what I know now, seeing what I have seen - where do you go to reach the next level? I have the horizontal connections, networks, and sources. But where is the teacher and master that doesnt contradict somewhere? Where is truth, and it absolute? WHat do you do when you get to the point when you believe there is nothing not possible by the power of God through you but you still yearn to really see Him for who he is? To be taught and inspired. Where is that teacher that will inspire you? Inspire you to act, experience, and demonstrate. Where is the teacher or master on this earth that will bring you to an new revelation? Theres not one, only by God will we recieve the gift of repentance, to see from his sight. Sure there are people that will show you the way who have gone through or know a deeper more intimate knowledge, but only God will take you to those people. I believe there is a story overhanging every prinicipal and power in this world, and it can be drawn upon and connected to the universal narritive that speaks to us in power, in different levels, some more intimate than others, it is the story of Jesus Christ. This story reaches to all points in time and in every way of life. In Matthew 13 we see there are things he choses to show us in the mysteries of his life and words because he choses to reveal things to some of us, some of us will be able to see and others will be shrouded. We can see if we would open our eyes.
Jesus presents his life and words as a form of art. His art is great because it is both high-art and at the same time low-art. His words, which is like poetry-the highest form of literary art-are presented in parables which speak to each individual in infinite levels of intamacy. That is why his story is so powerful. It holds that far-reaching capacity.
The story of Jesus, and all he represents occurrs everyday. Every question has its answer through Jesus. And so, the answers are out there! in people in things, the story lives in us, and I want to be one who sees. The Rhizometric way of thinking is believing everything is connected to everthing. I am trying to see where the connections are. for example:

Here is a quote I found from a frineds facebook profile, a friend, a brother. Its about Abe. It shows a man convicted and sown from a seed dropped by the Father to land on good soil can take root and grow to produce 100 fold! The story, the seed, the roots, the crop, it affects us all! Abe persevered, rejected pleasures and riches, and sought the essence of life. Abe was one who really lived the story, his life wasnt easy, but the powers at work in his life gave him the strength to eventually stand up for what was best when he became president, which inturn affects all our lives...

1832 Lost Job1832 Defeated for Legislature1833 Failed in Business1834 Elected to Legislature1835 Sweetheart died1836 Had a Nervous Breakdown1838 Defeated for Speaker1844 Defeated for Nomination to Congress1846 Elected to Congress1848 Lost Re-election1849 Rejected for Land Officer1856 Defeated for Nomination for Vice-President1858 Defeated for Senate1860 ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES- Abraham Lincoln


Blogger glenn said...

yes, man, the universal narrative. we are all part of this story, which started with creation or the big bang or whatever (does it really matter?) this story is so much bigger than us and our small lives. yet somehow realizing my smallness doesn't make me feel insignificant; it humbles me and allows me to look beyond my own problems to the bigger picture (or so i hope). i think our purpose on this rock is to do what we can to contribute to the story, to make it better, which means to do what we can to further god's kingdom on earth - this not necessarily meaning to convert the lost to our version of christianity, but to spread god's message of faith, hope and love and to act it out in our own lives in its many forms.

8:23 PM  
Blogger glenn said...

yes, man, the universal narrative. we are all part of this story, which started with creation or the big bang or whatever (does it really matter?) this story is so much bigger than us and our small lives. yet somehow realizing my smallness doesn't make me feel insignificant; it humbles me and allows me to look beyond my own problems to the bigger picture (or so i hope). i think our purpose on this rock is to do what we can to contribute to the story, to make it better, which means to do what we can to further god's kingdom on earth - this not necessarily meaning to convert the lost to our version of christianity, but to spread god's message of faith, hope and love and to act it out in our own lives in its many forms.

8:23 PM  
Blogger glenn said...

yes, man, the universal narrative. we are all part of this story, which started with creation or the big bang or whatever (does it really matter?) this story is so much bigger than us and our small lives. yet somehow realizing my smallness doesn't make me feel insignificant; it humbles me and allows me to look beyond my own problems to the bigger picture (or so i hope). i think our purpose on this rock is to do what we can to contribute to the story, to make it better, which means to do what we can to further god's kingdom on earth - this not necessarily meaning to convert the lost to our version of christianity, but to spread god's message of faith, hope and love and to act it out in our own lives in its many forms.

8:24 PM  
Blogger glenn said...

yes, man, the universal narrative. we are all part of this story, which started with creation or the big bang or whatever (does it really matter?) this story is so much bigger than us and our small lives. yet somehow realizing my smallness doesn't make me feel insignificant; it humbles me and allows me to look beyond my own problems to the bigger picture (or so i hope). i think our purpose on this rock is to do what we can to contribute to the story, to make it better, which means to do what we can to further god's kingdom on earth - this not necessarily meaning to convert the lost to our version of christianity, but to spread god's message of faith, hope and love and to act it out in our own lives in its many forms.


9:08 PM  

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